Alvino Loves His Job with Endless Opportunities – Bullseye! Employee Award Winner
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Alvino Loves His Job with Endless Opportunities – Bullseye! Employee Award Winner
“I have opportunities for advancement with no glass ceiling with this company,” Alvino said. “There are a lot of different avenues. I could even travel to Texas, Vegas, doing set ups and disassembly, but I’d rather be a star in the warehouse.”
Our Feb/March 2017 Bullseye! Spotlight Award Winner, Alvino W., has always found his strengths to be in distribution and logistics – maximizing warehouse space, and handling incoming and outgoing product quality checks. And he’s one of the best at it!
Alvino first met with then-recruiter Alexis Brady at our ROLINC Aurora office in 2011. He accepted an assignment through ROLINC that became a permanent opportunity. He worked there for 5 years as an amazing employee.
“I remember meeting Alvino 6 years ago and finding him a position he enjoyed,” Alexis said. “I always heard amazing things about his work ethic and loyalty, so I’m glad to see that he returned to us and we found him a job to move his career forward after he returned to Denver.”
During the last two years, Alvino’s mother fell ill and his family returned to St. Louis to help her heal. She thankfully is in excellent health and his family has since moved back to Denver. Within a few weeks, Alvino reached back out to us for a new home for his warehouse career.
Division Manager Matthew Trudell met with Alvino and knew he would be a star employee.
“By the professional way he conducted himself in the interview, I knew right off the bat that he would do well in a well-established, professional warehouse position. I knew just the client that would appreciate him.”
Alvino is in a warehouse position that requires precision forklift driving. It has been a challenge for the client company to find the right individual. Now with Alvino aboard, the warehouse runs efficiently and safely. He’s planning on accepting their offer of a permanent position in just a few days.
“He always likes to be busy and asks, ‘what have you got for me to do for you’,” the client said. “He’s willing to help with anything and that’s hard to find. His skills on a forklift are great moving pallets and big crates. It can be a little intimidating and he’s doing a great job.”
Alvino earned a $50 Visa gift card and customized plaque. He said his wife has been excitedly anticipating the gift card so they can go out to dinner and celebrate with their daughters.
We are incredibly proud to have Alvino represent ROLINC Staffing and hope only the best for his career!