2nd Quarter Winner 2023
Each quarter, the ROLINC team submits there vote for an appreciation award of their fellow team members. There was a lot to celebrate this quarter and many votes submitted, but our Aurora Office’s Lead Recruiter, Jade, took the cake!
Here’s what some of our team had to say about recruiting force Jade:
“Super thankful for our ‘robot’ recruiter! While trying to find a home for my candidate, Jade offered great suggestions on how to edit the candidate’s resume, find more information, and jumped in to get updates from her too! She definitely went beyond to help me out and for that I truly appreciate her.” – Arianna D.
“Jade randomly left me the sweetest voicemail lifting me up. Random and effortless acts of kindness are always coming from her.” – Ava N.
CEO and Owner, Adrian, had wonderful things to say about Jade and her growth as a recruiter at ROLINC:
“If there is one word that describes Jade, and there are many great qualities that could be highlighted, the word that comes to mind is ‘TENACIOUS’. Jade is someone that never quits, and once she believes that there is VALUE or PURPOSE in something, she is going to hold on for dear life! Since Jade joined our business, I feel that she has added so much to our team, by way of her passion for what she does, her never ending pursuit of learning, her desire to be the best, and her ability to lift those around her. There are some people that, simply by their presence and by their persistence, help to raise the bar for everyone around them. Jade is 1000% one of those people, and while she has only been with us for one year, it’s hard not to feel she has been here for much longer, because every day she is more and more becoming a PRO in our field.”